A Bondi Story is the sequel to Scum Valley. It continues to follow the board riders through the many challenges they faced to achieve their goal of becoming the premier board riders club in Bondi. After starting on the right foot the Bondi Board Riders saw the registration of their club swell to well over a hundred eager, but determined, grommets. This book details how they managed to improve through dedication and commitment. Their founder and leader, Dan, with the help of his tight mate and pro surfer, Steele, inspire these often forgotten kids to believe in themselves. They help them find the confidence needed to thirst and aim towards their surfing goals as well as focus on their lives in general. The book follows the young board riders to Hawaii. There they not only conquer the legendary waves of the North Shore, but gain the confidence to return home and set their sights on conquering Bondi by taking the Premier’s title from their rival, the star studded club ‘Rude Boys Surfing’.